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5 Resources for
Sex Trafficking


A Global Crisis

Human trafficking is one of the primary and most devastating human rights violations in today’s world, and there are over 40.3 million individuals living in slavery, according to the global slavery index, and many of those people are victims of sex trafficking and sexual violence. 


Join the fight against sex trafficking and sexual violence today with these 5 anti-sex trafficking resources.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a resource for anyone in the United States concerned with potential sex and human trafficking happening near them. You can report a tip by calling the hotline, or by emailing your tip to Sex trafficking tips make up over 70% of tips reported to the hotline. If you suspect someone you know might be in danger or you may have some information on a trafficking situation, report it. You never know when a report could stop human trafficking.

One of the most successful ways of ending child sex trafficking is by preventing people from entering it in the first place. There are many human trafficking prevention organizations that you can support. Places like Breanna’s House of Joy in Thailand provide young and at-risk girls with the opportunities needed to avoid entering the sex trade. 


Thailand ranks in the top 25 of countries in the world with the highest number of people living in modern day slavery, according to the global slavery index.

When you bring awareness to the human rights violation that is sex trafficking, you help end it. January is national slavery and human trafficking prevention month. During this month, you can celebrate the efforts of foreign governments, anti-trafficking entities, international organizations, survivor advocates, law enforcement officials, communities of faith, businesses, and private citizens all around the world to raise awareness about human trafficking. 

Consider sharing on social media or volunteering with an advocacy group.


Staying educated and informed about the causes and signs of trafficking can help you speak in an informed way about it. These free courses about sexual violence and trafficking cover topics like prevention, commercial sexual exploitation, and trauma. They include webinars, documents, and resources to help you learn about trafficking and sexual violence. Learn more about labor trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and

Modern day slavery means that millions of people worldwide are at risk of sexual exploitation. Victims of human trafficking are more likely to experience sexual exploitation. We don’t endorse trafficking, but that doesn’t mean we don’t feel the effects of it. You might be surprised at how many items in your house were handled by someone in trafficking or at risk of trafficking.

While we can’t fully eliminate those products from your home, this calculator will help you understand how far the reaches of trafficking go.

Written in partnership with Reach The Lost.


Joy to the World Thailand

Preventative programs like Joy to the World’s Breanna’s House of Joy or The Radiant Project help end human trafficking and modern day slavery in Thailand and all over the world.



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